We went from t-shirt weather to feet are freezing weather in about two days. At least the air quality is down from “chunky” to “misty”.

Food cart, Portland
Almost 13, his back legs are failing him, but he still wants to grab a toy and have you try to get it from him.
A little rabbit has taken up residence in the side of our yard and we could not be more thrilled.
I took a photography class in junior high school and they recommended a fully manual camera to learn with so my parents bought me a Pentax K1000 and I loved it. Years later in 1986 it was stolen and I always missed that camera. My buddies bought me a replacement this year for my birthday and I feel like a little hole in my life has been filled.
Dogs are such regal beasts.
Tiny visitor on Karen’s phone.
Thrilled to have been on another episode of Random Trek! This time Scott and I discuss “First Duty”.
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